Company Statement
Latitude Air Charters Inc. is a company incorporated under the Companies Act, Cap. 308 of the laws of Barbados as company no. 42091 and licensed as an international business company under the International Business Companies Act, Cap. 77 of the laws of Barbados with its registered office situated at #14A, Graeme Hall, Christ Church Barbados.
Latitude Air Charters Inc. is also licensed annually under the Travel Services Act, 1982 and subject to the provisions of this act and to all rules, regulations and other Statutory Instruments made thereunder.
Latitude Air Charters Inc. operates as an intermediary and has the the skills, background and experience in arranging the charter of private aircraft on behalf of charter clients subject to the provisions of a fully executed Aircraft Charter Agreement. This Agreement is for the purpose of establishing the fundamental terms and conditions applicable to the relationship of the Parties and will be provided upon the charter client’s request to confirm a proposed aircraft charter.
Latitude Air Charters Inc. is able to accept aircraft charter payments by wire transfer or e-merchant facilities for the use of VISA or MASTER CARD.
If you have any questions, please contact us at